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School Councils

In addition to the House system, pupils’ involvement is encouraged through the various School Councils.

These Councils promote engagement across all year groups and meet regularly to discuss a wide variety of issues including catering, anti-bullying and mentoring and environmental issues. They ensure that pupils have a say in exactly what matters to them the most.

The opportunity for interaction between pupils, teachers and other adults through the various School Councils has a positive impact on relationships, attainment and discipline; high levels of pupil involvement and care help pupils feel better integrated and motivated at Mill Hill.

It is these essential underlying principles which provide the basis for the School Council system and contribute to the unique sense of community within the Mill Hill School Foundation.

School Councils that meet regularly:

  • Full School Council, Mill Hill School
  • Student Council, Mill Hill International
  • Boarders’ Council
  • The Anti-Bullying and Mentor Council
  • Food Council
  • Charity Committee
  • Inter-faith Committee

Here’s what our students think of the student council:
