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Choose Your Path

By following a programme at Mill Hill International, pupils will have the ideal preparation for the next stage of their educations, whether at Mill Hill School, another part of the Mill Hill School Foundation or elsewhere.

Everyone can fulfil their potential through providing further academic assistance for those who need it or creating greater opportunities and challenges to stretch the more able. The curriculum and teaching in place is appropriate to the needs of international pupils for whom English is an Additional Language.

At Mill Hill International we are committed to ensuring that pupils are provided a full-time, supervised, education which gives experience in linguistic, mathematical, scientific, technological, human and social, physical and aesthetic and creative learning in relation to time available, timetable constraints, academic/ linguistic ability and future academic need.

Subject matter and teaching approach is appropriate for the ages and aptitudes of pupil from the most able to the least able.  Pupils who have a statement of educational need or a learning difficulty or disability receive an education which meets their requirements.

Our Year 9 course is designed for pupils preparing to study GCSEs in the UK from Year 10.

Pupils who arrive at the start of Year 10 follow a traditional two-year GCSE course with a minimum of eight GCSE subjects.

The One-Year GCSE course is an intensive programme designed to prepare pupils for A Levels. Usually four or five GCSE subjects are studied with additional subjects offered according to ability and interest.

Find out more about our courses here: