Head’s blog
For those who have followed the School on Instagram, you will be aware that the theme of this week is wellbeing. The aim of the week was to provide our pupils with the tools and knowledge to help manage their mental health. Each day focused on the Five Ways to Wellbeing: Connect, Get Active, Be Mindful, Keep Learning and Give to Others.
It has been a fantastic week and it has been wonderful to see the community come together in an initiative that has brought joy to us all. The range of different activities on offer each day meant that there was something for everyone to enjoy. My personal favourite was the Morning Mile Walk in which the whole school took part – some decided to jog, while the majority of us walked the loop of the Arandene park opposite the School. We were blessed with wonderful weather which always helps lift our spirits and the opportunity of walking and talking with each other was a great way to kickstart the day.
In Chapel this morning our Chaplain reminded us of how we use the word ‘well…’ to take a pause in speech and he connected this to the importance of pause for our well being. It is so rare these days that we do take a moment to do nothing, or go for a walk for the pleasure of it. Moments of waiting or pause are so often filled by the ubiquitous mobile phone.
Some may feel that a focus for a day or even a week on something so important as our mental health belittles the signifiance of it. However, I do believe that what we have experienced this week will have long-lasting effects. Indeed, next week I will be asking the staff and pupils which of the actvities or events we have enjoyed in the wellbeing week which we would like to incorporate into our daily/weekly practices. I am interested to see what suggestions come forward.
What is life if, full of care,
We have no time to stop and stare.
No time to stand beneath the boughs
And stare as long as sheep or cows.